


Our Partner Store – Honey Baby Collection is now online!

  • 08-March-21
  • Precious Glimpse

Honey Baby Collection Store Now Online The talented teams at Honey Baby Collection have worked extensively to open an online store. Precious Glimpse have been working in collaboration for over a year with them by incorporating “Honey – The heart recording bear” to the Precious Packages.  What does this mean? Exclusive deals, promotions will be… Continued

Announcements, Research

New GE Voluson arrived! – What does that mean for pregnant mothers

  • 26-June-20
  • Precious Glimpse

Precious Glimpse welcomes new GE Voluson E10 – HDlive, HDlive Studio & HDLive Silhouette with Radiance technology At Precious Glimpse, we continuously strive to find new ways of providing the best experience and to be undisputed leaders in the 3D/4D technology. Since 2017, we have set the standards and upgrade our system  on a yearly basis and this… Continued

Announcements, Travels

Corona Virus – Updates (3rd November, 2021)

  • 15-March-20
  • Precious Glimpse

PRECIOUS GLIMPSE COVID-19 POLICY (please scroll down for latest updates) With the recent news regarding the coronavirus (Covid-19) Precious Glimpse (PG) are taking extra precautions to minimize the risk of spread. PG has been working closely with doctors and other health professionals while monitoring the World Health Organisation and the Department of Health and Human… Continued


Pregnancy Babies & Children’s Expo

  • 09-February-20
  • Precious Glimpse

Pregnancy Babies and Children’s Expo Save the date!   On February the 21st and 22nd Precious Glimpse will be attending the Pregnancy Babies & Children’s Expo! Where we will be having exclusive Expo Special packages! Come meet our lovely Precious Glimpse Team! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to keep updated. You can purchase tickets… Continued

Announcements, Research

Quality Innovation Performance

  • 01-December-19
  • Precious Glimpse

We are now fully accredited! What is Quality Innovation Performance (QIP)? Quality innovation performance (QIP) is an Australian not-for-profit health accreditation agency with more than twenty years’ experience to ensure medical businesses complies with Australian laws.  Quality innovation performance are dedicated to supporting the health and community service to manage risk and quality through the… Continued

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