

Parenthood, Research, Tips

What is a placenta? How does it affect me?

  • 15-March-20
  • Precious Glimpse

In-depth information about the placenta During your pregnancy, your body begins to adjust to the baby and undergo many changes such as the growth and positioning of the placenta. The placenta produces hormones needed during the pregnancy such as lactogen, oestrogen and progesterone. These hormones are responsible for separating the mother and the baby’s blood… Continued

Research, Tips

House of Harvee – The Precious Experience

  • 01-July-18
  • Precious Glimpse

The Precious Experience by House of Harvee   Seeing your baby, while he/she is still in your belly, is the most amazing, surreal thing ever.. I know technology today is very well advanced but I still lay there at an ultrasound wondering how on earth they can get such a clear picture! I’m extremely grateful… Continued

Research, Tips

Pampering Pregnant Mums

  • 10-October-17
  • Precious Glimpse

PAMPERING PREGNANT MUMS The 40 weeks journey for some lucky mum can be a walk in the park and for others such as myself can be hard work. The first trimester started with emotional outburst, vomiting, constant nausea, forgetfulness, indecisiveness and exhaustion. By the second trimester, most of these things settled and I felt more… Continued

Parenthood, Tips

Partners Guide: How To Help Your Pregnant Partner

  • 10-October-17
  • Precious Glimpse

Congratulations on being a parent! If it’s the first or subsequent time, it’s wonderful news and can still feel surreal! Every pregnancy can be different, and your dearest can go through different symptoms each time. It can be hard and you may feel helpless at time, to watch your loved one go through these normal… Continued

Editorials, Parenthood, Tips

What Is The Difference Between HD & 5D Ultrasound?

  • 10-October-17
  • Precious Glimpse

Telling the Difference Between Technologies The word “5D ultrasound” has been heard more often recently and as appealing as this word sound the actual meaning of 5D according to Doug Ryan (vice president of Samsung Health and Medical equipment) is that “5D technology is a form of automation where you go through and do a… Continued

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