


How Much Does An Obstetric Ultrasound Scan Cost?

Imaging centre women

Understanding Obstetric Ultrasound Costs In Melbourne.


If you’re having a baby, your doctor will refer you to routine ultrasound check-ups during your pregnancy. An ultrasound scan is a medical procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to create internal images of your body. Getting a 3D ultrasound at 12 weeks can help doctors to track the progress of your baby inside your belly.
In this blog, we get a closer understanding of the process of an ultrasound scan. We take a look at the factors that influence the ultrasound cost in Melbourne and whether health insurance schemes cover the expense.

What is an Ultrasound?

An ultrasound is a body scan that creates internal images of the body using high-frequency sound waves. It is used for examining specific body parts, like the abdominal and pelvic region and musculoskeletal and vascular systems. In pregnancy, an ultrasound is used to track the progress of the foetus and the baby. Ultrasound dating scans are routine in the first, second, and third trimesters of the pregnancy.

What to Expect at Your First Ultrasound?

The ultrasound process, commonly known as sonography, is a non-invasive medical test used to check the progress of foetus. When you go for the scan, a sonographer in Melbourne will apply some gel on the skin and use a hand-held transducer device on the gel-applied skin to examine a specific part of the body. A routine scan doesn’t take more than 15-20 minutes to be done. It is a simple procedure, and the patient can immediately leave afterwards.

How Much Does an Ultrasound Cost?

Ultrasound cost in Melbourne depends on various factors. Primarily, it is determined by the type of scan you’re getting. When it comes to pregnancy scans, the costs can range between $250 to $350, depending on how many weeks the foetus is. 
Generally speaking, a routine pregnancy scan will cost the following:
  • – Less than 12 weeks – $250 
  • – 12-16 weeks – $335 
  • – 17-22 weeks – $360 
  • – More than 22 weeks – $350
The cost for a pregnancy ultrasound scan depends on how many weeks pregnant the expecting mother is, how many foetuses the womb has, the purpose of the scan, and the clinic you visit. For example, getting a 3D ultrasound at 12 weeks will cost more than a routine scan as its purpose is to screen the baby for possible Down syndrome.

Does Medicare Cover Ultrasounds?

Medicare is the name of the Australian government’s public health scheme. The Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) lists all the medical services eligible for government subsidies. This list includes ultrasound services, especially obstetric and gynaecological ultrasounds.
If you want to get a rebate on your ultrasound cost in Melbourne, then patients must have a valid referral from their doctor for an ultrasound scan. The rebate offered by Medicare is income-based. So, patients with a higher income will receive a lower rebate, and those with a lower income will be eligible for a higher rebate. 
Medicare also covers the cost of some diagnostic ultrasounds, including abdominal ultrasounds, breast ultrasounds and pelvis ultrasounds.
Get a 3D Pregnancy Scan at Precious Glimpse
As a private ultrasound clinic, Precious Glimpse provide both medical and elective scans for expecting mothers. Whether you want to track your foetus’ progress or find out their gender, our professional sonographers in Melbourne will make the experience special and intimate.
We offer flexible appointment hours at our accredited ultrasound medical clinic. To book your pregnancy scan at Precious Glimpse, call us at (03) 9021 0018.
  • 22-May-23
  • Precious Glimpse
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