
Nuchal Translucency Scan


Also known as the 12–13 week scan, Down Syndrome scan, safety scan, or first trimester screening, a nuchal translucency (NT) scan is a crucial early pregnancy ultrasound that helps assess the likelihood of certain chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down Syndrome.

During this nuchal translucency test, we measure the fluid-filled space at the back of your baby’s neck. Your GP or obstetrician will also arrange for a first trimester blood test, which is sent to a genetic centre. The results from your blood test and the NT ultrasound are combined to evaluate the probability of Down Syndrome, and a detailed report is then sent to your doctor.

In addition to this screening, we conduct an early anatomy check to ensure your baby’s features and organs are developing as expected. Plus, if you schedule your NT scan closer to 14 weeks, we can often determine your baby’s gender with up to 99% accuracy—adding an exciting extra benefit to this important assessment.

Book your nuchal translucency scan appointment with us today and gain peace of mind as you enter the next stage of your pregnancy journey.

Book your appointment with us today.

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When to have it: 12-13w6d

Cost: $280 ($310 on weekends), and then a rebate of $59.50. *Extra fee of $30 for gender determination.

Duration: 30 minutes

What’s included:

  • Medical report (up to 2 business days)
  • 1 (4 x 6″) glossy photo
  • 3 thermal black and white photos
  • All digital images captured on the day and sent to your email.
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