Medical reports

Results typically take up to 2 business days and are sent directly to you by fax. We have radiologists who are happy to assist you for further explanation regarding reports.

Cost effective

Precious Glimpse provides discount to health care concession holders and pensioners, most of general services are bulk billed with the exception of Musculoskeletal type scans.

Our obstetric prices are very competitive with instant rebates directly back into patients account after the scan.

Fully accredited

Our sonographers have worked in both private and public sectors with almost a decade of experience. They have seen a plethora of medical diagnosis, especially in obstetrics.

All of our sonographers are fully accredited and licensed with the Federal Government Diagnostic Imaging Accreditation Scheme.

Referral pads

If you wish to receive physical referral pads, please let us know and we will be happy to send to your practice. Otherwise, you can download our digital image (A4 format) here.

Our team of radiologists

Our radiologists are in their top of their fields in ultrasound diagnostics. If you like to learn more about our radiology


Inteleviewer is the best way to view patient images and data, you can access directly online. Please contact us on how to access your patient images.

For more information about Inteleviewer, please visit their website here.

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