
Honey Baby Collection

Our Partner Store – Honey Baby Collection is now online!

  • 08-March-21
  • Precious Glimpse

Honey Baby Collection Store Now Online The talented teams at Honey Baby Collection have worked extensively to open an online store. Precious Glimpse have been working in collaboration for over a year with them by incorporating “Honey – The heart recording bear” to the Precious Diamond package.  What does this mean? Exclusive deals, promotions will… Continued

Parenthood, Research, Tips

How do sonographers determine my baby’s weight and is it accurate?

  • 08-August-20
  • Precious Glimpse

HOW DO SONOGRAPHERS DETERMINE MY BABY’S WEIGHT AND IS IT ACCURATE?   Congratulations on the growing life inside your tummy! Throughout your pregnancy, you will have numerous ultrasound to check up on your baby. These ultrasounds are a wonderful experience for parents to see their baby but also the reassurance that baby is growing and… Continued

Parenthood, Research, Tips

Amniotic fluids and how they affect your pregnancy

  • 08-August-20
  • Precious Glimpse

WHAT IS AMNIOTIC FLUID? HOW DOES IT AFFECT MY PREGNANCY?   Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! As a new mother to be, it is important to know what’s happening in your body during your pregnancy.   So what is it? When the baby is first conceived, it is located within the amniotic sac.… Continued

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